

We are a 100% volunteer organization. We're citizens from all across the state who are coming together to undo the political dirty work of Arkansas Legislators, who, in 2014, used a deceptive ballot title to gut our citizen-initiated term limits and extend their political careers.

We need help! It takes a lot of folks to gather 100,000+ signatures. We have until early July 2018 to do it.

Sign Up To Help!
We use this information to contact you about volunteer opportunities in your region and keep you informed about our progress. Your information will not be shared with anyone outside of our organization.

Street Addr1:
Street Addr2:
Cell Phone:
Home Phone:
Email Address:

You can help in the following ways:

  • Sign our petition and get like-minded friends and family to do the same.
    Get the petition ==> Here.
  • Help us man a table or booth at events such as festivals, fairs, and trade shows across the state. We'll contact you when there is an event in you region.
  • Of course, we can always use donations to help purchase needed items like clipboards, booth space, canopies, advertising, and postage.


Regional Managers

  • Northwest Arkansas: Matt Mendenhall 479-409-7998
  • Southwest Arkansas: Rusty Latham 903-276-7500
  • Central Arkansas: Bernie Burgess 501-581-9252
  • Central East Arkansas: Randall Young 501-581-9252